

#1 Need

The Folk Club is a historical place for quality music in Turin. For over 30 years it has been offering its members a program of concerts and high-level events. The small basement room holds up to 150 people; booking management, which is actually mandatory if you want to find a place, has always been a critical element for Club staff. Furthermore, communication of the program and news requires up-to-date tools. Members must have fast and secure tools to independently book concerts. In the meantime attendance, renewal and new registration management during events must be simple and quick to avoid queues and inconveniences.

#2 Home Page

The FolkClub is music, music played by the exceptional artists that it manages to propose. The concert hall is small and nice and creates an atmosphere of intimacy with the artist. These are the main features and then we designed the home page in order to give these same feelings to the user: a full-page showcase that presents images captured directly during the concerts. A news management module and a list of upcoming concerts follow.

#3 Members

Folk Club members receive the membership card directly at the first concert, but must have the possibility to pre-register, in order to speed up all the operations. We have therefore implemented a web registration procedure. Pre-registered users can book concerts and act as members; they will complete the registration on the evening of the concert, but at that point they will only have to receive a card number.

Access to the concert booking pages is immediate and one click away from the home page. In case of failed login, the user is asked to enter his credentials and then immediately redirected to the booking page.

#4 Fruibilità

For the Folk Club it is important that the members can easily manage the bookings independently: create, modify and eliminate them. Features must be immediate, simple to use and cross-device. The website is responsive, perfectly adapts to any device by rearranging its contents to optimize spaces.
At the same time, we have developed apps for iOS and Android, specifically focused on booking and concert management. Members can thus manage everything in just a few steps and stay informed thanks to a specific news module for the apps. Among the features of the apps there is a notification system when an event is approaching.


#5 Managing

Folk Club boasts a considerable number of members, and during the live season there are many operations to be performed, data to be checked, exceptions to be managed.

We have provided the staff with a complete and intuitive back office based on django-baton (a product we developed internally), complete with a dashboard with summary mirrors.

Through the back office it is possible to manage all the contents of both website and mobile apps. All in one, and easy to use.